In the mid '80s I discovered scratchboard, which ultimately became my primary medium for illustration. Here are some samples of work from the mid to late '80s.

This piece was done in 1986 for an article on corporate murder in Portland's Clinton Street Quarterly. While the author suggests that corporate executives who knowingly produce products that kill ought to be prosecuted for murder, he also recognizes that that will not happen in our private enterprise system. This story echos louder with the recent Supreme Court decision regarding corporate influence in politics.

This illustration for the article "Requiem for the American Empire" by Gore Vidal was published in the Summer 1986 issue of the Clinton Street Quarterly.

The cover of The Rocket's first annual Northwest Music Directory, 1987

Cover for The Rocket, August, 1988

Illustration for an article on the Bob Dylan tour with Tom Petty

T-shirt design for The Rocket

Done for an article on the management of the ferry system in The Seattle Weekly

This piece was done for the Seattle Weekly for a story on Boeing.
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